There are a few reasons for why your self-hosted region might no longer be on the grid. If you've exceeded the number of equivalent single(256x256m) regions for your account level and did not remove the excess regions within 48 hours, they will be removed from the grid. It also may be that the region contained something against our rules of conduct or terms of service. If we were unable to verify your region was properly responding to incoming teleports, whether that is due to misconfiguration or poor performance. If performance was not within acceptable limits or residents actively report issues resulting from your region. If the coordinates occupied by your region where claimed for one of our hosted region packages. If it has been found that commercial resale of regions connected to ZetaWorlds has occurred, since that is only allowed as verified reseller. Any of the reasons above as well as any others noted in ZetaWorlds Rules and Conduct (link above) may result in your SelfHost region being removed from the grid. We strive to maintain a well performing grid for everyone and so self-hosted regions need to meet some performance requirements. If these cannot be met it can actually be to the detriment of the entire grid so we take preventative action before this occurs. In these cases we remove regions, with or without notice, depending on case and repeat offenders may get blacklisted.