Often, when hypergridding, scripts in the region you are visiting are not allowed, thus, your AO HUD won't function. Also, just by hypergridding, your HUD may stop working, even if scripts are allowed in the new grid/region. This can also happen in "any" region in your grid, where scripts by visitors are not allowed. If scripts are allowed at your destination, try detaching your AO HUD and then re-attaching. That usually fixes it. For a more permanent "fix" which will work anywhere, anytime...Firestorm viewer features a built-in AO that can be used instead of relying on attachment-based scripted ones. In most cases the information from them can be converted directly to the built-in AO as follows:1. Using an open space of terrain without nearby objects, place the AO object down on the terrain and open its inventory.2. Copy the contents of the AO to your inventory, into a folder preferably.3. Open the Animation Overrider in Firestorm, usually an "up" arrow next to the AO button, top or bottom right and expand it via the settings wrench.4. Locate the notecard with the AO information and animation settings and place it in the large empty dropdown box in the Animation Overrider. It will take a couple of minutes for the animations to load fully.5. With the animations loaded you can now configure them to cycle or randomly select when multiple are present for each override. Click the blue checkmark next to where you loaded the notecard, to activate the animation set. Close the Firestorm AO settings window and click the "AO" button to turn your AO on and off, when needed.Should a notecard not be available or you wish to create your own set of animations you can do so by clicking on the + icon in the Overrider. From there you can build sets by loading the animations you want.