When registering for an account with ZetaWorlds an email will be sent with a link to verify the newly created accounts email address. Until this verification is completed the account will remain unable to join ZetaWorlds. Please be sure to verify by opening the email sent to you and clicking the link inside or by copy/pasting the link to your browser. Changing an email address associated with an account will now also require verification from that new email to ensure account safety. You can request a new code be generated and emailed to the email address associated with your account https://zetaworlds.com/user/resendverification. Please remember, a valid email address on your account is required and using a non-existing email will result in the account being locked. If you are still having issues with your email verification, please submit a support ticket https://billing.zetamex.com/submitticket.php?step=2&deptid=3